75th Anniversary Celebrations 14-August-2022

Flag Hoisting

The 75th Independence Day of the motherland was celebrated with zeal and enthusiasm. The Day begin with the Flag Hoisting Ceremony which was held in the Drill Square. Commandant Cadet College Mastung Hoisted the Flag.

Inter House Milli Naghma Competition

On the eve of the 75th Independence Day, the Inter-House Milli Naghma Competition was held. Two Cadets from each House participated in the event. The Participants sung National Songs. On this occasion, three teachers from outside CCM were invited to judge the participants. These Teachers include Ms Shazia Islam, Lecturer Physics in Govt. Girls Degree College Mastung, Ms Shehla Manzoor, ADEO Mastung, and Ms Shahan Khan, Head Mistress Govt. Middle School Mastung. Jinnah House won the competition while Haider House was the runner up. In the individual positions Cadet Gulzar (JH), Cadet Piryansho Kumar (UH) and Cadet Hamid Ismail (IH) won the first, second and third places respectively.

Barha Kana

A Barha Kana was arranged for the Faculty and Cadets on the occasion of the 75th Independence Day.

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