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- Application Form (Supplied with Prospectus), are to be submitted on or before the last date prescribed in the advertisement published in Press. On receipt, the forms are scrutinized and candidates found eligible are issued Roll Numbers by the testing agency.
- Written tests are held on a date which is advertised in the press and is also individually intimated.
- Those who qualify the written test (minimum 40% marks) are called for interview and medical examination.
- Those who qualify all stages are placed on a merit list. Final selection is made as per their relevant/district quota.
- Final Call-up letters for joining are then issued and the selectees are to join by a date indicated in the call letters (Normally second week of March).
- Change of address or telephone numbers, if any, must be intimated to the Testing agency / College immediately. The College admits no liability for delay/no-delivery or loss, of the communication due to postal system/PTCL/Mobile.
What is the last date of admission and also informe the test conducting date thanks
Admissions are announced in December each year in newspapers and through this website, tests are conducted in January or first week of February.
what is the position of admissions for this current year for those students who have passed class 7th tests conducted by ctsp as we have taken School Leaving Certificate and waiting for any news from your side.. Abdul Zahir s/o Usama the topper from District Mastung
Please contact admin office of the college regarding the admission status. Contact number can be found on this website’s homepage.
Is admission still open for class 11
Admissions in 1st year are subject to vacant seats in 1st year class. Currently new admissions in 1st year class is not decided.
What is the last date of admission in 1st year classes?
Admissions in 1st year classes are not decided yet. Any notification or advertisement will be communicated through this website, keep visiting us for updates.
Advertising date of admission for collage??
Where is admission form…?
On the home page, under the News Flash section.
Is this college for girls also??
No, Its for boys only.
Asslam o alyikum ,
I am running a Pre-cadet college in my city, Dasha, Sialkot.
We prepare the kids to get admission in cadet colleges, may you send me email or post on admission opening pls.
Forces Pre Cadet College Daska
Waliekum Salam
Thank you for writing to us.
The admissions are announced each year in December for 7th Grade only.
the medical fitness certificate is not attached with the admission form. tell about medical checkup conducted by the college concerned
You do not need to attach fitness certificate with admission form, the medical fitness is examined by college’s own medical team. This is done once a candidate name comes into merit list.
Sir 7th class k ly form fill kr k college k adress pa send karna hy ya ctps k adress pa reply plzzz
You have to send the filled form to Cadet College Mastung.